センター試験過去問研究 英語

センター試験過去問研究 英語 (2014年版 センター赤本シリーズ)

センター試験過去問研究 英語 (2014年版 センター赤本シリーズ)





これは、なかなか素敵なイントロだと思いませんか? このあとどうなるんだろう...と先が読みたくなってくる。

My niece, Ann, is in her third year at university. She has recently started her job search. When she entered the university, she wanted to be an architect and planned to apply for work in an architectural firm. But as she prepared for her job search, she learned that the way people work has changed a lot in the last few years. She discovered that much of the change has occurred because of what is called the IT Revolution. The "IT (Information Technology) Revolution" refers to the dramatic change in the way information is perceived and used in today's world.

Over the past 12 to 15 years, the amount and types of date available on the Internet and, in particular, the speed at which we can process the data, have increased to an extent few people could have imagined. These developments have led to new ways of thinking about how we use information and how we work in information-rich environments. Simply put, doing business no longer relies on location; new information-sharing software has made cooperation at a distance convenient and efficient.